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8 Tips To Attract More Customers To Your Website

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If you have a website, getting paying customers can be really tough.

It can be disheartening to launch a website full of optimism only to be greeted with tumbleweed.

You're not alone. HubSpot found that 61% of marketers say that generating traffic is their biggest challenge.

Having a website just isn't enough.

Your website is your online marketing tool - your shop window to the world and it is important that you get this right to allow you to grow your business. There are many reasons why your website may not be the lead generating machine that you've dreamt of.

Each website has it's own strengths and weaknesses, but for this article, I've focused on the 8 most important and common issues that could be turning people away from doing business with you.

1. Focus on a problem you solve

It's very common for a website to only be used to provide information. Whilst it's important to let customers know what you do, it's more important to let them know how you aim to fix or help with their problem. Rather than talking about yourself, focus more on how you can help your customer or client to get to a result. Keep the details about you in the about page of your website for those wanting to find out more about you. Example 1: You sell a keyboard. What are the benefits of that keyboard? Does it have a longer battery life solving the issue of being caught short when you're in the middle of writing an important email? Does it have soft touch keys which makes using it a luxurious and pleasurable experience? Can you adjust the height of the kickstands? Example 2: You're a builder. What is your solution and selling point? Through years of experience you are likely to have a wide portfolio of professionally finished work. You're rated highly on trusted websites and you're reliable. Focus on promoting and selling your Unique Selling Point (USP). This is vital!Example 3: You deal in real estate. What kind of real estate do you own? You can post offers along with the information that will help sell the properties. Besides, on your website, you should look for potential solutions to any issues that might come up for your customers as opposed to just trying to maximize your own profit. You could, for instance, include a link to the website of a hard money lender who can assist buyers (investors) looking to borrow money to purchase a property. Likewise, you can search for comparable solutions that can enhance your website and encourage visitors to go there.

2. Build a strong brand

Having a strong brand can help you be identified online and offline. People buy from brands that they trust. So having a strong trustworthy brand can help people recognise you and in turn they become a repeat customer. They may pass your business' details onto friends and family if you delivered a good quality service / product. We know from experience that people buy from who they trust and word of mouth is still very relevant.

3. Attract the right crowd

If your website is aimed at the wrong audience, you're going to have a lot of people leaving your website without getting in touch or purchasing a product. It's that simple. So, understanding your audience is key - build personas of your customers and identify their purchasing habits or requirements to get in contact with you.

4. Build an easy to use website

A website that is simple and easy to use can help customers find what they're looking for without even trying. So make sure you hire a reputable web design company (look at here to explore some options) to design a website that is easily understandable to all ages. Avoid using too much jargon and focus on an easy to use layout, this allows customers to find what they are looking for and fast. Use clear call to action buttons in the right places - make them stand out by being bold and use ACTION buttons that drive the customer or client to make that decision. Also, make sure that customers can reach the end result quickly and easily. This could be making a purchase or getting in contact. Such end results should be visible on all areas of your website to enable your customers/ clients to find what they are looking for easily. If you're not sure how to do all of this, hire web designers with Promark Business Solutions as they might be able to solve your website related issues.

5. Refine your website layout

We're often asking too much of our visitors! "Connect on social media", "subscribe to my newsletter", "buy my product", "see my services", "look at my cat!" Segment one area that you want to push and make that the main focus your customers see and they will naturally oblige.

6. Get Marketing

Customers will not find your website until you get it out there for the world to see. This doesn't just mean posting it on your social media for your mates down the pub to see it. This should be consistent marketing through Facebook Pages, Instagram & Google etc. In case your social media is not growing at a rapid pace, you may not be able to reach out to a large audience with your product. However, you can take the advantage of influencer marketing, where you need to get in touch with people who have a lot of followers and ask them to promote your product on their accounts. Such influencers can be contacted through a marketplace (click here to know more) by the manufacturers. Be consistent. It may be disheartening when you send out a post on Facebook and you get no likes at first, but if you continue to provide high quality articles then you will obtain the interest of many others. Remember to not just talk about yourself. Offer people ideas or teach them something interesting they didn't know before (just like this article!)

7. Mobile. NEVER forget mobile!

Everyone has one of these glued to their hands almost 12 hours a day. With 52.% of all global traffic arriving from mobile traffic, it would be foolish to design your website without a seamless mobile experience. In fact, design mobile first - make sure your website is designed to work coherently on mobile, then concentrate on other devices.

8. Make it beautiful

People will make a judgement on your website within the first 2-3 seconds of landing on your homepage. If it looks unreliable and generally dodgy they will no doubt decide to visit your competitors website instead. Be sure to take the time to make sure your website is designed to look simple and clean and allow your customers to easily find what they are looking for and fast!

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