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How we are using AI to build more effective websites

When you think of AI (Artificial Intelligence) or machine learning, you might be thinking ‘Skynet!'. But the reality is, the human race is investing a lot of money and energy into creating super advanced machines that learn and help us to make informed, risk-free decisions based on patterns, usage and data.

We're always on the lookout to bring the latest and greatest to the table for our clients. The recent advances in AI have started to become a reality, with machine learning now starting to roll out throughout a large range of technology and digital platforms.

Machine learning or AI can dramatically improve the performance of our websites, ensuring that we're reaching the right audiences and content is being analysed to see how effective it is to our customers.

So what exactly is AI?

AI is a rather simple notion. It is intelligence performed by a machine as opposed to natural intelligence which is carried out by humans. AI enables machines to undertake tasks that would have previously had to be carried out by human beings. Over time, machines will be able to undertake more jobs that humans do not particularly wish to undertake, however there is always a concern that AI may make lots of jobs obsolete.

Such jobs undertaken by a machine are already evident in self-service checkouts and customer support ‘chat-bots'.

What we are also witnessing on the web, is another form of AI entitled ‘machine learning' which is based on algorithms. This means when software undertakes particular tasks, it can learn from this and base future decision making on the knowledge it has obtained from previous experience and change accordingly. Clever huh?

AI is a hot topic. Now let's delve into a few of our favourite AI and machine learning tools that we are currently learning here at Scott Pearson Design to improve our clients' websites. This in turn will drive more leads, improve our client's sales messages and protect their website...

Improve your content:

We're using machine learning to analyse the copy on your website. By understanding the mood and emotion within your website to provide better quality content which will engage your visitors and achieve results.

Get relevant information in front of the right people:

We introduce AI to show relevant and interesting information to users to achieve more engagement to ensure that user experience is maintained at all times. If your user is interested in a particular topic, AI can ensure that more relevant information is provided to engage the user.

Ensure your website is secure:

Every day, AI is providing assistance in recognising and combating cyber security risks. With the recent change in EU law (GDPR), it is more important now than ever to protect your customer's data. Through intelligent website software, AI can detect and prevent unauthorised access to your customer's precious information. This not only benefits your customers but saves your reputation. The fact that your intelligent security software is working around the clock to combat cyber pests, provides you with that all important peace of mind.

Support your customers:

Do you want to provide a first class service to your customers 24/7 without the costs of employing a human being? AI can be introduced in the form of a ‘chat-bot'. This machine learning tool can host and provide a vast collection of information and learn from experience, improving future communication abilities. You can keep track on this engagement and take over the conversation if you feel this is necessary.

AI has already made an impact in the WordPress world. There are numerous ways that AI can provide useful support as detailed above. The future is now and AI can really enhance your business' website and achieve intelligent results.

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